News and Events

News and Events

MGTES is a "sustainability case" in Forest Valley Review

03 June 2022

MGTES – Magaldi Green Thermal Energy Storage technology – patented by Magaldi Green Energy - enters the “Sustainability cases collection”, the first review of climate solutions and sustainability transition projects by Forest Valley Institute, founded to accelerate the climate innovation in Europe. The eBook contains a collection of pioneering projects focusing on how to apply sustainable models at European level in different industries to create new business opportunities for communities, children, and the whole world. The solutions proposed have proved to abate CO2 emissions in different ways, and demonstrate how being open, keep investing in innovation, and partnering with startups are the new future practices for all those companies who seek greener world and being more competitive. For this first publication, Forest Valley collected an overview of projects of sustainability transition with companies across different sectors: from fashion to sustainable agriculture practices, from waste up-cycling and organic waste enhancement to energy storage. All ideas, best practices, and solutions that might be a source of inspiration for sustainable innovation for worldwide industries. MGTES is among these 9 successful stories about the green transition of companies and organizations!  

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News and Events

Magaldi Green Energy guest of Smart City for Radio24 - Listen to the podcast!

01 June 2022

Magaldi Green Energy guest of the Smart City radio format hosted by journalist Maurizio Melis on Radio 24. Listen to the podcast of the episode entitled “A battery of sand to accumulate heat”! "The key to making possible the adoption on a very large scale of CO2-free but discontinuous sources, such as the sun and the wind, - says the introduction of the podcast - lies in the development of energy storage technologies to draw to when renewables do not produce enough. This need, which is still limited today, will grow rapidly over the next few years".

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News and Events

Magaldi Green Energy joins EcoFuturo Festival in Rome

26 May 2022

Magaldi Green Energy is among the companies participating in Ecofuturo Festival - the festival of Concrete Ecotechnologies, Energy Communities and Renewable Agriculture scheduled until May 29 at Città dell'Altra Economia in Rome (Largo Dino Frisullo - ex Mattatoio, Testaccio). Lorenzo Romagnoli, Application Engineer of MGE, will speak on Saturday 28 May at 11.30 at the meeting "Renewable energy accumulations" together with Fabrizio Bernini, President of Zucchetti Centro Sistemi, Maurizio Buccarella, senator, Giuliano Gabbani, DST of the University of Florence, Stefano Passerini of Helmholtz Institute Ulm Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Giovanni Cimini, CEO Western CO. Maurizio Melis, journalist at Radio24 / ll Sole24Ore will moderate the meeting.

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News and Events

EU Agrifood Week in Italy: MGE for an “energetic resilience”

19 May 2022

MGE - Magaldi Green Energy is among the guests of EU Agrifood Week, ten days of initiatives focused on creating a sustainable “European One Health” by growing a more resilient and inclusive Food System with events, meetings, and debates that will focus on the strategic role of the European agri-food sector. The EU Agrifood Week will meet a wide audience from 19 to 29 May 2022: young people, farmers, agri-food industry leaders, policymakers, journalists, the world of science and research, innovators, investors, and startups. The theme of food will be approached from different points of view starting from culture and identity, through the aspect of care of the territory, resources, biodiversity, and landscape, and then focusing on food diplomacy, health, and lifestyle. The locations of the Week will be Napoli, Procida, Pollica, Sapri, Piana del Sele and Capaccio Paestum. Do not miss the date with MGE, scheduled on 21 may at Castello dei Principi Capano in Pollica, district of Salerno! Letizia Magaldi - Executive Vice President of Magaldi Green Energy, will attend the meeting “Decarbonizing for energetic resilience” together with Andrea Cotrufo - Chairman Quantum Investments, Michele Falce - Responsible for agricultural production and services of Novamont and director of Mater-Agro, Silvio Petrone of Miras Energia, Stefano Pisani, Mayor of Pollica.    

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News and Events

WU Congress in Abu Dhabi: Massimiliano Masi will speak about MGTES, a novel Thermal Energy Storage for power regulation services and industrial decarbonization

06 May 2022

Massimiliano Masi, General Manager of Magaldi Green Energy Middle East will speak at World Utilities Congress, 9–12 May 2022, in Abu Dhabi, UAE about “MGTES – Magaldi, a novel Thermal Energy Storage for power regulation services and industrial decarbonization”. Such a great opportunity to talk to a global audience about Magaldi Green Energy's vision and strategies regarding energy storage, decarbonisation and the largest use of clean thermal energy for a greener world in support of renewables. Save the date for Masi’ speech “A novel hybrid fluidised bed thermal energy storage for power regulation services and industrial decarbonisation” - Wednesday 11 May session 20 “Energy storage technology and applications” – room 2 from 14:00 to 15:30. Book your in-person technical conference pass at

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News and Events

LDES Council: Magaldi Green Energy enters the first Board of Directors

03 May 2022

Magaldi Green energy is member of the first Board of Directors of the Long Duration Energy Storage Council ("LDES Council"), a global non-profit organization by McKinsey that aims to accelerate the decarbonisation of the energy system by promoting the adoption of innovations, policies and strategies to support the commercialization and use of long-life energy storage systems.   The LDES Council - set up by McKinsey in Glasgow, Scotland, on the occasion of COP26, the last United Nations Conference on Climate Change - is at the forefront of promoting solutions, technologies, data and concrete proposals aimed at achieving carbon neutrality and decarbonisation and has already released its first annual report on the need for long-term energy storage to achieve the zero carbon and 100% renewable production goals.    

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News and Events

European Association for Storage of Energy calls EU to recognize energy storage’s crucial role for security of energy supply in Europe

21 April 2022

Recognize energy storage’s crucial role for the security and availability of energy supply in Europe: it is the focus of the call coming from EASE - European Association for Storage of Energy, Breakthrough Energy, Solar Power Europe and Wind Europe through an open letter sent to the European Commission in order to recognize the urgent need in EU of a massive and rapid roll-out of energy storage solutions. “Some of the solutions we have today to balance renewable generation, mostly dispatchable fossil generation such as gas-fired power plants – says the letter -, run contrary to Europe’s climate, energy independence, and security of supply ambitions”. The four organisations welcome that the REPowerEU plan presented in March rightly recognises renewables, especially wind and solar, as key technologies to decrease Europe’s dependence on Russian oil, gas, and coal.  

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News and Events

Green Heat for Peace: Happy Easter to all of you!

14 April 2022

Europe is now facing a crucial moment to overcome the most pressuring challenges of the future: energy is one of the most important ones. The next energy choices will determine the development pathway and the quality of life for all Europeans and citizens around the world. Through its patented innovations and technologies, Magaldi Green Energy has chosen to bet on green heat and on the storage of renewable and clean energies, based on a complementary approach to provide multiple solutions in support of the gradual shifting away from fossil fuels while enabling greater CO2 emissions’ reduction, sustainability, energy independence and peace and stability between different countries. In this scenario and on the occasion of Easter, we want to propose a line from the analysis "Renewables, Energies for Peace", just published by WWF Italy, which particularly fits with Magaldi Green Energy's vision: "As many as 434 disputes and conflicts from 2010 to today - says the report - have been unleashed over water (in particular in the Middle East, India, Pakistan, the Horn of Africa and Central Africa), many others have recently been clear direct or indirect connected with fossil fuels (wars in Iraq and Iran, Gulf War). The Ukrainian tragedy itself, not only that of recent weeks, shows evident connections with the energy issue as well as with the control of gas routes from Russia. There is no doubt that making a quick transition towards renewable energies means investing in peace”. Happy Easter to all of you!

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