News and Events

News and Events

MGTES "play digital" for a day: RAI interviews MGE's managers about new Magaldi Green Thermal Energy Storage

30 March 2022

Raffaello Magaldi, Executive Vice President of Magaldi Green Energy, and Massimiliano Masi, GM of Magaldi Middle East, presented the first industrial model of MGTES - Magaldi Green Thermal Energy Storage in Buccino, Salerno, to the cameras of the Italian RAI TV programme Play Digital directed by Maurizio Di Cesare  and conducted by Diletta Parlangeli.  

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News and Events

MGTES among excellences of the Italian Export Forum Conference in Dubai

21 March 2022

A one-day event entirely dedicated to the excellences of Italian exports to the United Arab Emirates as part of Expo Dubai 2020. Today - Monday 21 March 2022 - the Italian Export Forum (IEF) starts to the Amazing Room of the V Hotel - Al Habtoor Complex in Dubai. IEF’s conference explores contemporary challenges and innovations of Made in Italy exports in different sectors, activating three debate-panels on three areas: Medical & Healthcare, Agriculture & Food, Automation & Innovation. In the afternoon session during the Automation & Innovation panel, Massimiliano Masi, GM of Magaldi Middle East, will present MGTES, an advanced Thermal Energy Storage system which is already prototyped and fully operational in Power to Heat mode in Magaldi Buccino’s factory. Massimiliano Masi will participate to the seminar together with Ciro Aquino (Senior Relationship Manager UAE & MENA Region - SACE), Ayman Al Awadi (The Corporate Group), Francesco Favarò (Watergy International Group LLC). The session will be moderated by Angelica de Vito (Director of Public Affairs of the Italian Export Forum).

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News and Events

Energy transition in MENA and Italy, Massimiliano Masi: “At Magaldi we believe it requires different technologies that complement each other”

14 March 2022

Magaldi Green Energy – startup of Magaldi Power - is among international energy companies invited to the conference "Energy transition in MENA and Italy", held on Thursday 10 March at the Italian Pavilion of Expo 2020, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The event - reserved for customers of the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo - was attended by important representatives across the main companies and institutions in the energy sector, discussing two main issues: the opportunities for the development of green hydrogen in the Middle East and in North Africa and the opportunities that the Italian Pnrr - National Recovery and Resilience Plan - offers to the energy sector in Italy and abroad.  

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News and Events

African Energy Transition, Letizia Magaldi attends a webinar about technology investments and know how between Italy and Mozambique

08 March 2022

Letizia Magaldi, executive vice president of Magaldi Green Energy, will participate on Thursday 10 March in the Webinar “African Energy Transition - Technology investments and know how Italy - Mozambique” organized by the CCMI Italian Chamber of Commerce in Mozambique, Confindustria “AssAfrica & Mediterraneo” and CTA - Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique. “The energy transition is a fundamental challenge for global sustainable development - explains Letizia Magaldi -. We are talking about a challenge that all countries around the world have to win together, sharing long-standing knowledges, technologies, investments and policies. Magaldi is really proud to offer its contribution in this direction with its Energy Storage technology, Concentrated Solar Thermal and High Dependability Material Handling Solution".

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News and Events

"The only enemy of energy transition? It is bureaucracy", so warned Mario Magaldi at a workshop by Italian Federation of Knights of Labor

03 March 2022

In the current phase of price instability, energy-intensive industries may find convenient to count on their own systems for energy self-generation in order to ensure constant energy availability at low costs” said Cavaliere del Lavoro Mario Magaldi during the workshop about sustainability "The role of the manufacturing company in the replacement of fossil energy", organized by the Italian Federation of Knights of LaborCavalieri del Lavoro, waiting for the National Conference, scheduled for next September in Rome, Italy.

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News and Events

"Supporting Green Transition", Letizia Magaldi participates to a Panel by MUR for Foak STEM project funded by NOP 2014/2020 - Fondo Ricerca e Innovazione - managed by Banco di Sardegna and Sinloc

21 February 2022

Letizia Magaldi - Executive Vice President of Magaldi and of the Foak STEM project funded by NOP 2014/2020 - Fondo Ricerca e Innovazione - managed by Banco di Sardegna and Sinloc - participates tomorrow to the Forum “University Business Collaboration in a time of Recovery and Resilience”. The online event is organized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research in collaboration with Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) and Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission (EC).

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News and Events

Replacement of fossil energy, Mario Magaldi talks about “a great opportunity to develop new clean technologies as MGETS”

17 February 2022

The Cavaliere del Lavoro Mario Magaldi, president of the Magaldi Group, attends today the workshop "The role of the manufacturing enterprise in the replacement of fossil energy" organized by the Italian National Federation of Knights of Labor - Cavalieri del Lavoro.

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News and Events

Magaldi is one of the best 100 Stories of Italian Circular Economy selected by Fondazione Symbola and Enel

28 January 2022

Magaldi Power enters the 100 Stories of Italian Circular Economy that promote environment-friendly innovation and fight climate change with their technologies and approach, encouraging the energy transition and claiming for a greener, more efficient and sustainable world. The research – published by Fondazione Symbola and Enel in sinergy with Sant’Anna School and Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition - is aimed at different sectors of activity, selected throughout Italy in terms of relevance with respect to the national economic context and the strategic role recognized to some of them by European environmental sustainability policies.

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