MGTES - Magaldi Green Thermal Energy Storage is a case history
MGTES - Magaldi Green Thermal Energy Storage is a case history: the research and project phases, the evolution and the success of the energy storage technology - the first worldwide patented innovation to exploit the thermal properties of sand to store and release on demand renewable and green energy - was illustrated by Magaldi Power Application Engineer Lorenzo Romagnoli as a speaker of the Seminar "European Taxonomy, impacts and opportunities for the energy sector", promoted by AIET and CESI Wednesday 12 October 2022 from 3 pm at the Auditorium of the Cesi headquarters in Milan, in via Rubattino 54.
The conference was a multi-perspective focus on "EU Green Taxonomy", a ranking drawn up by the European Union relating to the best environmentally sustainable energy activities and sources, necessary to achieve an efficient energy transition and to have a greater and fast impact on decarbonization processes.
The conference was a multi-perspective focus on "EU Green Taxonomy", a ranking drawn up by the European Union relating to the best environmentally sustainable energy activities and sources, necessary to achieve an efficient energy transition and to have a greater and fast impact on decarbonization processes.

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