

The key role of heat to decarbonize the industrial system

22 December 2021

Green Heat Storage is one of the key to fight climate change. Industrial heat constitutes for most of the industrial energy request and most of direct industrial CO2 emitted every year. One of the latest analyses on the subject goes back to the International Energy Agency's (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2017, which points out that industrial heat accounts for two-thirds of industrial energy demand and almost one-fifth of global energy consumption. And that as industrial heat demand continues to grow, so does its share of CO2 emissions, accounting for a quarter of global emissions by 2040.

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Cop26, focus on innovation and storage tech. Renewables energy are not enough

22 December 2021

Reduced Greenhouse-gas emissions and carbon dioxide emissions by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 for global warming to be maintained at 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels; zero net emissions by mid-century; drastically cutting other greenhouse-gas (methane and nitrous oxide) and new decarbonisation goals by the end of 2022. And again: to accelerate the installation of renewable energy plants and to reduction of coal-fired power stations and subsidies to fossil fuels. These are the key points of the final 11-page document, called the Glasgow Climate Pact, signed by almost 200 countries, which mark the path to combat climate change for the coming decades.

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Franco Donatini: Green Heat is crucial to combat climate change

02 December 2021

“Thermal uses consume about two - thirds of primary energy sources at a global level and in Italy what aggravates the situation is the fact that renewable sources contribute only 20% in this sector”. Franco Donatini, Professor at the University of Pisa, points out the data of the International Energy Agency (IEA), to highlight how focusing on Green Heat is essential to combat climate change. In this framework, Thermal Energy Storage systems have a key function in increasing the share of Green Heat in industrial heat production.

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Masi: MGTES in the Middle East could become the "standard for thermal storage"

04 October 2021

In this long interview, the General Manager of Magaldi Green Energy Middle East, Massimiliano Masi, explains the reasons why the company is more and more oriented to internationalization and looks with particular interest to this vast area: "we believe that thermal energy storage can develop and become an integral part of major renewables projects in the Middle East, at the moment it is at an advanced prototype stage".  In this context - continues Masi - "we at Magaldi would be very happy to give our technological and innovation contribution to the GDP of these countries".

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Letizia Magaldi: new paradigms are necessary. Our know- how at the service of nature

03 October 2021

“It is necessary to create technological processes that respect nature’s ecosystems and integrate its cycles”. In this interview Letizia Magaldi, Executive Vice-President Corporate Development & Global Marketing of Magaldi Green Energy, explains the ESG philosophy of the Company: "Our scientific efforts and technologies must aim to replicate the intelligence of the environment and integrate with it". Letizia Magaldi then focuses on the theme of equal opportunities, a central theme when it comes to sustainability and progress: “A diversity of gender, but also of cultures, provides a broader vision of strategic development and a greater understanding of social and market needs".  

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